Manchester Cathedral

4th June 2024
In light of the horrifying situation ongoing in Gaza, we raised urgently needed funds for the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF).
We performed at Manchester Cathedral on the 4th June for an evening of beautiful music interspersed with readings. We were honoured to be hosted by Manchester Cathedral for an evening of music, solace, and solidarity.
Artists: Wissam Boustany | Iyad Sughayer | Rihab Chaieb | Lucy Farrimond | Alexandra Whittingham | Natasha Agarwal | Jayson Gillham | Camille Maalawy | Qais Attaallah | Omran Zain | Kareem Samara | Walid Zaido | Jim Muirhead | Vulva Voce
Photo Credits: Geena Sharma-Singh